30-Story Building Constructed in 15 Days

Skyscraper construction is expensive and time consuming. But we live in an age where many things have been industrialized, such as the production of cars and even farms.

I came across an article that is 6 years old, about the construction of a 30-Story building in 15 days, at a price of just under $100 per square foot.

So far, Broad has built 16 structures in China, plus another in Cancun. They are fabricated in sections at two factories in Hunan, roughly an hour’s drive from Broad Town. From there the modules—complete with preinstalled ducts and plumbing for electricity, water, and other infrastructure—are shipped to the site and assembled like Legos. The company is in the process of franchising this technology to partners in India, Brazil, and Russia. What it’s selling is the world’s first standardized skyscraper, and with it, Zhang aims to turn Broad into the McDonald’s of the sustainable building industry.

My first thought was this construction probably results in an unsafe building, but the building design has been tested to resist a 9.0-magnitude earthquake.

You can read the entire article here: https://www.wired.com/2012/09/broad-sustainable-building-instant-skyscraper/

Below is a time lapse video of the structure being constructed.